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Rust Language Guide
Worker to Worker Communication

Worker to Worker communication for Rust components

See the Worker to Worker communication page for a general overview of how workers can invoke each other in Golem.

Setting up

For doing worker to worker communication between Golem components implemented in Rust, in addition to the Rust compiler and the cargo-component tool described in the setup page, we need two additional dependencies:

  • The golem-cli tool which automates some steps of setting up the communication between workers.
  • The cargo-make crate task runner used to further automate the build steps.

Install cargo-make by running:

$ cargo install cargo-make

Creating a project with two components

A project building two Golem components where one can call the other can be set up with the following primary steps:

Create the two components

First create two Rust components using the techniques described in the defining components page. The two components should be in two separate directories, enclosed by a root directory for the whole project.


It is important to use a different package name for each component, otherwise the stub generator will fail.

This can be done by using the --package-name parameter of golem-cli new for example --package-name rpcdemo:component1 and --package-name rpcdemo:component2.

Create a cargo workspace

Make the root directory a cargo workspace. This is done by creating a Cargo.toml file in the root directory with the following content:

resolver = "2"
# list the two components here
members = [
# common release profile for all components
opt-level = "s"
lto = true
strip = true

To learn more about cargo workspaces, check the official documentation (opens in a new tab).

Check it works by running cargo component build in the root directory of the project, which should build both components in parallel:

$ cargo component build
Creating component target/wasm32-wasip1/debug/component2.wasm
Creating component target/wasm32-wasip1/debug/component1.wasm

Set up the Golem WASM-RPC stub generator

In the next step we use golem-cli to modify our cargo workspace and add a cargo-make task description file to automate the build steps.

This can be done by running:

$ golem-cli stubgen initialize-workspace --targets component1 --callers component2
Writing updated Cargo.toml to "/Users/golem/tmp/doc-temp/rpc/Cargo.toml"

There can be multiple --targets and --callers parameters. Every component listed as a caller will be able to call every component listed as a target.


Only add links between components where there really is a need for RPC calls, because every link increases the size of the generated component, and also the build fails on unused links.

Test the setup by running cargo make build-flow in the root directory of the project:

$ cargo make build-flow
Error: no dependencies of component `target/wasm32-wasip1/debug/component2.wasm` were found
[cargo-make] ERROR - Error while executing command, exit code: 1
[cargo-make] WARN - Build Failed.

This error is expected, as we haven't added any remote procedure calls yet, but we have a new component in our workspace, called component1-stub and it has successfully compiled.

Import the generated stub in the caller component

The next step is to import the generated stub component's interface into the caller component (component2 in the above example) WIT world.

This is done by modifying component2/wit/component2.wit in the following way:

// ...
world component2 {
  import demo:component1-stub/stub-component1; // new line added
  export api;

The exact name to be imported depends on what package and component names were used when creating the target component.

In this example the package name was demo:component1 and the component name was component1. This gives the generated stub the component name demo:component1-stub and the generated stub interface within it is named stub-component1 (here component1 coming from the target component's name).

Start implementing the components

With this the workspace is set up, and the generated stubs can be used from the caller component to call the target component, as it is described in the next section.

Once the code is written, use:

  • cargo make build-flow to build all the components quickly in debug
  • cargo make release-build-flow to create a release build of all the components

Writing blocking remote calls

For each exported function in the target component, the generated stub contains two exported variants:

  • A blocking variant, prefixed with blocking-, which does not return until the remote worker finished processing the call.
  • A non-blocking variant, which returns a pollable result immediately (unless for remote functions without any return value, in which case it just triggers the invocation but does not return anything)

To use the blocking variants we need to construct a resource from the generated stub, passing the remote Golem URI of the target worker to the constructor.

Taking the rust-minimal-actor example as the target component, which has the following exported interface:

package demo:component1;
interface api {
  add: func(value: u64);
  get: func() -> u64;
world component1 {
  export api;

The generated stub will contain the following functions:

package demo:component1-stub;
interface stub-component1 {
  use golem:rpc/types@0.1.0.{uri};
  use wasi:io/poll@0.2.0.{pollable};
  resource future-get-result {
    subscribe: func() -> pollable;
    get: func() -> option<u64>;
  resource api {
    constructor(location: uri);
    blocking-add: func(value: u64);
    add: func(value: u64);
    blocking-get: func() -> u64;
    get: func() -> future-get-result;
world wasm-rpc-stub-component1 {
  export stub-component1;

To use this generated api resource, the following steps are needed in the caller component (component2 in the example):

Import the generated types

The generated bindings for the generated stubs need to be imported in the module where the remote procedure calls are made.

use crate::bindings::golem::rpc::types::Uri;
use crate::bindings::demo::component1_stub::stub_component1::*;

Construct the URI for the target worker

The worker to be invoked is identified by an URI which consists of the component ID and, in case of durable workers, the worker name. For ephemeral workers no name needs to be specified.

If the worker pointed by the URI does not exists, it is going to be created automatically and it inherits the environment variables of the caller.

A common pattern is to use environment variables to configure the deployed component's component ID and use that to construct the URI. See the defining components page for more information about passing configuration values to workers.

The following code snippet gets the target component's id from an environment variable, and constructs the URI for the target worker with a fixed worker name target-worker:

let component_id =
    std::env::var("TARGET_COMPONENT_ID").expect("TARGET_COMPONENT_ID not set");
let target_uri = Uri {
    value: format!("urn:worker:{component_id}/target-worker"),

In case of ephemeral workers, only the component ID needs to be specified in the URI:

let target_uri = Uri {
    value: format!("urn:worker:{component_id}"),

Construct and use the API resource

With target_uri the Api resource can be constructed and used to call the remote functions.

let remote_api = Api::new(&target_uri);

Writing non-blocking remote calls

Using the non-blocking variants of the generated stub functions requires the same steps as the blocking variants, but the returned value is a special future which needs to be subscribed to and polled using the low-level WASI poll interface.

The following snippet demonstrates how to get the value of three counters simultaneously, assuming that counter1, counter2 and counter3 are all insteances of the generated stub's Api resource:

// Making the non-blocking calls
let future_value1 = counter1.get_value();
let future_value2 = counter2.get_value();
let future_value3 = counter3.get_value();
let futures = &[&future_value1, &future_value2, &future_value3];
// Subscribing to get the results
let poll_value1 = future_value1.subscribe();
let poll_value2 = future_value2.subscribe();
let poll_value3 = future_value3.subscribe();
let mut values = [0u64; 3];
let mut remaining = vec![&poll_value1, &poll_value2, &poll_value3];
let mut mapping = vec![0, 1, 2];
// Repeatedly poll the futures until all of them are ready
while !remaining.is_empty() {
    let poll_result = bindings::wasi::io::poll::poll(&remaining);
    // poll_result is a list of indexes of the futures that are ready
    for idx in &poll_result {
        let counter_idx = mapping[*idx as usize];
        let future = futures[counter_idx];
        let value = future
            .expect("future did not return a value because after marked as completed");
        values[counter_idx] = value;
    // Removing the completed futures from the list
    remaining = remaining
        .filter_map(|(idx, item)| {
            if poll_result.contains(&(idx as u32)) {
            } else {
    // Updating the index mapping
    mapping = mapping
        .filter_map(|(idx, item)| {
            if poll_result.contains(&(idx as u32)) {
            } else {
// values contains the results of the three calls

Deploying the resulting components

To build deployable WASM files of the involved components, use

$ cargo make release-build-flow
Creating component target/wasm32-wasip1/release/component1.wasm
Creating component target/wasm32-wasip1/release/component2.wasm
Creating component target/wasm32-wasip1/release/component1_stub.wasm
Writing composed component to "target/wasm32-wasip1/release/component2_composed.wasm"

In this example, where component1 was the target, and component2 was the caller, the following artifacts are to be deployed:

  • target/wasm32-wasip1/release/component1.wasm is the target component which itself does not perform any remote procedure calls
  • target/wasm32-wasip1/release/component2_composed.wasm is the version of component2 composed with the RPC stubs, ready to be deployed to Golem

If you try to upload the non-composed build output, component2.wasm to Golem, it will fail to create the worker because not all the imports of the WebAssembly component are satisfied.

Adding new connections in a workspace

When during development new components are added to the workspace, and/or new connections need to be estabilished between them, running the golem-cli stubgen initialize-workspace command again will regenerate the build steps in the cargo makefile. Make sure to list all the targets and callers, not just the new ones.

There is currently no automated way to remove connections from the workspace. If this is needed, the generated stub subprojects and their WIT definitions from the caller component's wit/deps must be removed manually.